quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2013

discografia cocteau twins

Discografia da banda Cocteau Twins para download:


Lullabies (1982)

1 - Feathers Oar Blades
2 - Alas Dies Laughing
3 - It's All But An Ark-Lark

Peppermint Pig (1983)

1 - Peppermint Pig (7")
2 - Laugh Lines
3 - Hazel
4 - Peppermint Pig (12")

Sunburst and Snowblind (1983)

1 - Sugar Hiccup
2 - From the Flagstones
3 - Hitherto
4 - Because of Whirl-Jack

The Spangle Maker (1984)

1 - The Spangle Maker
2 - Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (12")
3 - Pepper-Tree
4 - Pearly-Dewdrops' Drops (7")

Aikea-Guinea (1985)

1 - Aikea-Guinea
2 - Kookaburra
3 - Quisquose
4 - Rococo

Tiny Dynamine (1985)

1 - Pink Orange Red
2 - Ribbed and Veined
3 - Sultitan Itan
4 - Plain Tiger

Echoes in a Shallow Bay (1985)

1 - Great Spangled Fritillary
2 - Melonella
3 - Pale Clouded White
4 - Eggs and Their Shells

Love's Easy Tears (1986)

1 - Love's Easy Tears
2 - Those Eyes, That Mouth
3 - Sigh's Smell of Farewell
4 - Orange Appled

Twinlights (1995)

1 - Rilkean Heart
2 - Golden-Vein
3 - Pink Orange Red
4 - Half-Gifts

Otherness (1995)

1 - Feet-Like Fins
2 - Seekers Who Are Lovers
3 - Violaine
4 - Cherry-Coloured Funk


Garlands (1982)

1 - Blood Bitch
2 - Wax and Wane
3 - But I'm Not
4 - Blind Dumb Deaf
5 - Shallow Then Halo
6 - The Hollow Men
7 - Garlands
8 - Grail Overfloweth


Head Over Heels (1983)

1 - When Mama Was Moth
2 - Five Ten Fiftyfold
3 - Sugar Hiccup
4 - In Our Angelhood
5 - Glass Candle Grenads
6 - In the Gold Dust Rush
7 - The Tinderbox (of a heart)
8 - Multifoiled
9 - My Love Paramour

10 - Musette and Drums 



Treasure (1984)

1 - Ivo
2 - Lorelei
3 - Beatrix
4 - Persephone
5 - Pandora (for Cindy)
6 - Amelia
7 - Aloysius
8 - Cicely
9 - Otterley
10 - Donimo

Victorialand (1986)

1 - Lazy Calm
2 - Fluffy Tufts
3 - Throughout the Dark Months of April and May
4 - Whales Tails
5 - Oomingmak
6 - Little Spacey
7 - Feet-Like Fins
8 - How to Bring a Blush to the Snow
9 - The Thinner the Air

Blue Bell Knoll (1988)

1 - Blue Bell Knoll
2 - Athol-Brose
3 - Carolyn's Fingers
4 - For Phoebe Still a Baby
5 - The Itchy Glowbo Blow
6 - Cico Buff
7 - Suckling the Mender
8 - Spooning Good Singing Gum
9 - A Kissed Out Red Floatboat
10 - Ella Megalast Burls Forever

Heaven or Las Vegas (1990)

1 - Cherry-coloured funk
2 - Pitch the baby
3 - Iceblink luck
4 - Fifty-fifty clown
5 - Heaven or Las Vegas
6 - I wear your ring
7 - Fotzepolitic
8 - Wolf in the breast
9 - Road, river and rail
10 - Frou-frou foxes in midsummer fires

Four-Calendar Café (1993)

1 - Know Who You Are at Every Age
2 - Evangeline
3 - Bluebeard
4 - Theft, and Wandering Around Lost
5 - Oil of Angels
6 - Squeeze Wax
7 - My Truth
8 - Essence
9 - Summerhead
10 - Pur

Milk and Kisses (1996)

1 - Violaine
2 - Serpentskirt
3 - Tishbite
4 - Half-Gifts
5 - Calfskin-Smack
6 - Rilkean Heart
7 - Ups
8 - Eperdu
9 - Treasure Hiding
10 - Seekers Who Are Lovers

Para informações sobre a banda: www.cocteautwins.com  


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